Tønnes F. Nygaard

Associate Professor, University of Oslo
Researcher (20%), Norwegian Defence Research Establishment


I’m an associate professor at the University of Oslo where I work on robotics and artificial intelligence. My main focus in on legged, wheeled and tracked robots and how they can adapt to different real-world environments and tasks.

In addition to this, I hold a researcher position at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment where I work on autonomous robots for defence applications.

Selected publications

  1. N:MI
    Real-world Embodied AI Through a Morphologically Adaptive Quadruped Robot
    Nygaard, Tønnes F.Martin, Charles P., Torresen, Jim, Glette, Kyrre, and Howard, David
    Nature Machine Intelligence 2021
  2. ECJ
    Environmental Adaptation of Robot Morphology and Control Through Real-world Evolution
    Nygaard, Tønnes F.Martin, Charles P., Howard, David, Torresen, Jim, and Glette, Kyrre
    Evolutionary Computation 2021